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Free Webinar: Water spray parameters optimization using 3D CFD Particle Simulation for an automotive anti-aquaplaning system

Date: 18 May 2022 (Wednesday)
Duration:15:00 (GMT+1)
Length: 60 Minuts
Language: English


Paolo Alberto Fina, Silvestru Chiriches (Easyrain) and Michele Merelli (EnginSoft)

The Moving Particle Simulation is an efficient meshless CFD method to simulate sloshing, free-surface flows and liquid jets. The particle-based Lagrangian approach does not require a computational grid. This allows to streamline and speed-up the overall simulation process for applications with complex geometries and moving parts including air dynamic simulation and integration.


This webinar presents some insights from the study of the impingement of a pressurized water jet. In this application, the objective is to study the effects of the jet against a puddle of water, simulating the conditions of aquaplaning during normal driving conditions. The role of the simulations is to eventuallyThe Moving Particle Simulation is an efficient meshless CFD method to simulate sloshing, free-surface flows and liquid jets. The particle-based Lagrangian approach does not require a computational grid. This allows to streamline and speed-up the overall simulation process for applications with complex geometries and moving parts including air dynamic simulation and integration.

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