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Online Information Session Int’l Master’s in Theoretical & Practical Application of Finite Element Method and CAE Simulation (Online)
Int’l Master’s in Theoretical & Practical Application of Finite Element Method and CAE Simulation (Online)
Online Information Session - January 25, 2023
Since the registration for the next edition (2023 – 29th) of the Int’l Master’s in Theoretical & Practical Application of Finite Element Method and CAE Simulation is already open, Ingeciber has organized an information session on Wednesday 25th, January 2023, 11:00 (CET). This information session has a duration of approximately 45 minutes and will be conducted by members of the Master's staff.
The sessions will be recorded and distributed to those interested, therefore, it is important to register in the sessions, even if you cannot attend due to the schedule.
The attendance to these sessions offer you the opportunity to learn more about the Master's study plan, as well as the main F.E.A. modules and subjects studied during the course.
The goal of the Int’l Master’s in Theoretical & Practical Application of Finite Element Method and CAE Simulation is to provide attendees a theoretical and practical training in the Finite Element Method and CAE simulation directly applicable to professional practice, by using advanced professional software.

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